Leads Groups are a more specialized form of networking. These unique groups provide additional opportunities for members who are interested in a smaller, more focused, structured, and frequent form of networking based on referring business. Each group is an “exclusive seat” organization – meaning you will have no competition within each group and provide referrals among your fellow members.

  • LEADS Networking Groups must be authorized by the Delray Beach Chamber.
  • Membership in good standing with the Chamber is required to join.
  • Only one member per business category may participate
  • LEADS Group Dues are $100 per calendar year (January – December) and are required to participate.
  • LEADS groups meet 2 times per month.

For information on the Chamber and how to get involved in a Leads Group contact our Membership Director, Carolina Rush:  (561)-400-4410, carolina@delraybeach.com

Join a LEADS Group

Delray Referral Wave

2nd & 4th Tuesday, 8:30 – 9:30am

Chair: Bruce Weinstein


Open For More Business

2nd & 4th Thursday, 8:30 – 9:30am

Chair: Brian Thompson


Positive Enrichment for Professionals (PEP Club)

1st & 3rd Wednesday, 8 – 9am

Chair: Robert Hickok


Delray Business Partners

2nd & 4th Friday, 8– 9am


Chair: Jan Kinder
