“Time Well Spent Means a Life Well Lived” Let’s Explore What “Time Well Spent” Means to Delray Beach

By Lynn Van Lenten

This month let’s look at something every single one of us has – TIME. It can be squandered or spent well, depending on what we do with it. Check out some gems in Delray Beach because of lives well lived through teaching, creating, saving, and serving. Get ready to fall in love with Delray even more…..

Time Well Spent Teaching

An education is the best thing anyone can spend time on! We have some extraordinary programs helping our Delray kids get the best education possible. The Achievement Center for Children and Families has provided school readiness, reading assistance, food security, and a safe out-of-school environment for our local kids since 1969. Hundreds of families, thousands of meals, and countless lives have been changed because of lives well lived.

Milagro Center has also ensured the social and academic success of underserved children & teens in Delray since 1997. Along with academic support, Milagro Center provides cultural arts, living values, and mentoring. Their doors are open when the school doors are closed, providing a creative safe space every afternoon and all summer. Similar programs are provided by EJS Project and KOP Mentoring – all in Delray Beach. Lives well lived y’all!

Time Well Spent Creating

Our beautiful city of Delray Beach took a lot of organization and vision to get to where it is today. The time spent creating each aspect of this “Village by the Sea” is a credit to our city, our mayor, commissioners, our multiple city committees, our CRA (City Redevelopment Agency), our DDA (Downtown Development Authority), Delray Historic Society, Spady Cultural Heritage Museum, and our Delray Beach Chamber, just to name a few! It took a village to create this village, and the time spent creating has been well worth it, don’t you agree?

Time Well Spent Saving

How about time spent saving our beautiful home? Our local brothers Andrea and Paul Fazzino clean our beach & streets EVERY DAY! You can find them with a bucket, grabber, and big smile EVERY DAY. Their time spent picking up garbage has kept our city clean.

Did you know our City Parks & Recreation Department provides a Pompey Park Senior Club for our local seniors? Their programs protect our seniors through community, activity, food distribution, and a place to belong. Their time spent creating this program has saved many lives from loneliness and neglect. And yup, it’s right here in Delray!

Time Well Spent Serving

Did you know there is a mobile shower truck that provides free showers, personal hygiene, and essentials to our homeless population? Begun in 2017 and fully established as a 501 (c)3 in 2019, The InterFaith Committee is led by Kathleen Megan and Judy Fenney. These two ladies can be seen around town advocating for the homeless with dignity, grace, and unending love. Lives well lived because of time well spent – yup folks, right here in Delray!

These are just a few of our local programs that make our town a better town. They each confirm that “time well lived is time well spent”. I hope they encourage you to re-evaluate YOUR time and how you spend it. Remember that together our time and our lives matter because We Are Delray!